Thursday, November 19, 2009


Ever noticed how the TV Remote triggers our basic instincts and brings out the stone-age war skills in us? The most common areas of dispute are:
       1) Ownership of the TV Remote: this is signified by its being on the arm of the chair/sofa closest to you - it is more important than life itself.
2) On those blood-freezing occasions when you look up from your seat to discover that
the TV Remote is still lying on top of the TV, then one of you must retrieve it; who shall it be? And how will this affect (1)?
3) Disappearance of the TV Remote: Precisely who had it last will be hotly disputed, witnesses may be called. Things can turn very nasty indeed when the person who isn't looking for it is revealed to be unknowingly sitting on it.

4) The TV Remote is a natural nomad and sometimes, it goes missing for heart-stopping minutes. During these dark times, someone must actually get up to change the channel; International Law decrees that this, "will not be the person who did it last" - but can this be ascertained? Who will be the referee in such peace-shattering disputes?
Life is tough indeed!

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