To start with, I was clueless about the kind of topics I should choose to write. Would anyone be benefited if I write about ‘The best excuses for missing work’? How relevant would be the topic ‘An idiot’s guide to cooking ready-to-eat food’? How many people would give a damn if I were to write about ‘What would happen if sea water were to lose its salinity’?
The next hurdle confronted me-frequency of my posts. How often should I blog? Someone said, not too often, lest you are considered a spammer. Another said, don’t make yourself scarce on Blogosphere, else you are sure to be forgotten (It’s an altogether different matter that people, after reading my posts, wish they could). So I was damned if I did and doomed if I didn’t.
Then came the dilemma over the form of writing to adopt. Should it be prose, poetry or story? What I call as poetry may seem nothing but a mushy soufflé of unintelligible words to the indifferent reader. And, of course, I didn’t have the luxury of opting to tell a tale, for the simple reason that I didn’t know how to spin an interesting yarn. That left with me with plain prose. Now, this essay form is a bit tricky to handle. It is not as if you had a story to tell. Anyone will listen to a story. But to manage to trick and trap a reader who has strayed on to your blog, takes more than a little effort with my kind of narration.
Well, now that I have managed to plunge into the big blog world, I’m hoping that atleast a handful of gullible netizens fall prey to my devious designs. You see, I’m an incorrigible optimist!
Kudos to your narrative skills, some experienced bloggers told me, the posts should be shorter, entertaining, you can share whatever you feel worth, its your thought is nt it? do we need to read the reader's mind?
A blog is like a "haiku" poem or 'pudhu kavidhai' without any rules/grammer. I would say that bloggers are like lecturers in arts and science college(now almost defunct). They can lecture any which way they can or they simply can abstain from doing it!
It is this freedom that blogging makes interesting.. There is space for everyone.. BTW you must be a student of marine science?
Enjoyed reading this!
I guess i would even read your ‘An idiot’s guide to cooking ready-to-eat food’ (If you write one) just to have a taste of your narration! ;)
Very Good. I can hardly be called gullible, yet here I am, a willing prey to your "devious designs". "souffle"(?) is it not a mash of eggs. Thought u were from PETA all along.(!!)Jokes apart, you really blog very well. keep it up.
@Shafi-Thanks, point noted. Yes, I have felt that I ramble on at times. When everyone is short of time it sure is annoying to go through screenful of stuff, sometimes utter nonsense :)
@subu-That’s an interesting observation. Of course, ultimately it is the author who decides what , how and when to write but as Shafi says if the posts are short its easy on the eyes too.
Wonder why it didn’t occur to you to ask if I’m a Home Science student? :D
@RainCrab-That’s a comforting thought :)
BTW, your ‘TAG’ seems to be going places :P
@Krishnakumar-Never suspected I could be mistaken for a loyal PETA follower.
Shafi will vouch for my sincerity in that area :D
Thanks for your wonderful comments
@Latha: Yea... i can see that.. it's funny as well as exciting ;)
@RainCrab-Sure, imitation is the best form of flattery, after all :P
Lathaji i always learn something new whenever i visit your blogs... atleast a new word :)... no matter even if they r big, I often complete reading your blogs in 2 or 3 visits... Keep gng... cheers :)
@Ajay-thank you. Now, why do I get a feeling that you are pulling my leg? ;)
I must be very bad at giving compliments... my sarcastic approach is affecting this too...
Latha, that was very nice put!..:)..will be back to read more..
@ Ajay-Not at all-thanks for your appreciation:)
@Srivalli -Welcome and yes, please do keep coming :)
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