It is summer time again in our part of the world, which is bang in the Torrid Zone. The time when the trees start looking jaded and faded, not unlike our over-worked cricketers; when the streets are filled with pushcarts laden with gassed mangoes; when water taps start imitating air pumps; when power cuts push us back to the ‘dark ages’.
Summer means different things to different people. For people living in the colder climes, summer is a welcome season. Basking in the glorious golden rays of sunshine is an event which is looked forward to throughout the year. Summer brings with it vacation for the children. Brats of assorted sizes with time on their hands create a racket all through the day. Gully cricket claims quite a few window panes and car wind shields as its victims. Hapless parents are at their wits end trying to reign in their hyperactive pesky offspring.
Summer also brings worry of a different kind. This is the time that most families pack their bags and trudge with their luggage to salubrious locales. The pot-bellied uncles and roly-poly aunties with their kith and kin in tow decide to bestow their benign presence on the sundry hill stations. It is quite understandable that everyone wants to capture their wonderful holiday moments for posterity on digital/video camera. But the part which is sheer torture comes later-the forcible viewing of the holiday albums and video recordings. Why would anyone be interested if Papaji went boating wearing his brand new coolers or Junior soiled his sneakers playing in the snow? But we are never deterred by a few disinterested snorts, are we?
Well, I may just decide to holiday someplace cool and happening pretty soon. After all that hysterical raving and disgusted ranting about click-happy vacationers who are bugs in human form, if you thought that I would stay away from cameras-well, you are way off the mark. Watch out for my holiday photos/videos, friends! That is my modus operandi for avenging the tortures inflicted upon me. After all, revenge is a dish best served cold!
No caveat needed; we would enjoy the photos and videos! Creepers(Tendrils) can showcase the vaccation!
Enjoyed reading Latha, if i like the place, then i will give my camera to somebody and dedicate myself to the place, nevertheless click few clicks to ponder, not a full time photographer!! Looking forward your holiday pics soon;)
you dint mention where you'r going for the holiday! nice post!!
Nice post!
Have a nice holiday Latha.Looking forward to seeing wonderful pictures of your proposed tour.
Good luck.
awesome post...
Lathaji this is neither backhanded nor leg pulling... its a clear compliment :)... from the bottom of my heart :P...
Enjoy the tour and share with us...
Enjoy the tour!
Looks all fantastic :))
Have a nice trip ....
Aren't you being too defensive.Nothing wrong in out-of-shape uncles and rolly-polly aunties having fun and sharing the same with family.To me friends are also family.
Thanks Subu, Shafi, Pawan, Amin, Surjit, Anya, Ajay and Krishnakumar-nice of you :)
@Amin-I would be doing justice to the beauty of the place if I manage to take pictures that are even half as beautiful as the ones you click!:)
@Anya-Thanks for stopping by and hope you drop in regularly:)
@Ajay-Yes, got it loud and clear. Thanks a lot
@Krishnakumar-My offensive is not against those folks, but their habit of sharing their albums and forcibly making us watch their family videos (I'm talking about real life frnds) That is a pain indeed, but out of politeness we grin and bear it :|
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