Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today being Valentines Day, planned to dedicate
a few lines to the love-struck romantics of this world. 
But a skeptic like me could only churn out a parody :D

Love is in the air
Everyone is with their pair;
The young and the old
feel love moves the world,

Rack my brain I did,
for verses to fill the grid;
Thoughts have fled my mind
leaving me in a bind.

Pages threaten to be wordless
like our lives which are loveless.
Love verses broke mid-way,
like dreams of our lives blown away

Set out to write love ditty
but lost the plot, what a pity!
Tried to keep up with the rhyme
and ended up with a whine!


The Rain Crab said...

ha one!

Latha Nair said...

Thank you:)

ajayfabulous said...

very nice... good one

Bennyh said...

delightful piece of writing

The Rain Crab said...

ha one!

ajayfabulous said...

very nice... good one

Latha Nair said...


Bennyh said...

delightful piece of writing

Latha Nair said...
